How to Choose the Perfect Team Building Retreat Location

 In Blog

As your business grows and your team continues to expand, you’ll want to make sure that they get along well and feel comfortable in each other’s presence. When was the last time you scheduled a team-building retreat with your employees? The key to choosing the right retreat location involves taking into account both your company culture as well as the needs of your employees. Choosing the right location for your team building retreat is an important step in ensuring that your retreat is a success. 

Sure, it’s important to pick somewhere that will help your team bond by allowing them to enjoy some fun activities in the great outdoors. 

But there are other things you should consider as well, for instance, the cost, the distance from home, and the amenities offered at each location, which can all impact how well your retreat goes.

1. Consider the Perfect Team Building Retreat

A group on a team building retreat rallying together in nature - Types of Retreats concept image

The first step in planning a successful team-building retreat is determining what type of location will best suit your team’s needs. 

There are many different options, such as staying somewhere local, going camping, or taking a cruise. With so many choices, it can be hard to know which one is best for you. 

Here are some factors you may want to consider:

  • What type of work do your employees do?
  • Do they have any special needs (i.e. allergies)?
  • What size group would work best? 
  • What activities should there be available for your team?

After considering these questions, you may find that a retreat would be perfect for your group! If not, don’t worry!

2. Do Your Research

Choosing a team building retreat location can be a challenge, but it’s important to find one that fits your goals. 

Consider where you want your team-building event to be held and what you want attendees to take away from the experience. 

For example, if you’re looking for a simple way to get employees out of their comfort zone, consider taking them on an outdoor adventure like rock climbing or white water rafting. If you’re looking for something more relaxing, think about hosting your event at a spa or resort. 

3. Narrow Down Your Options

Whether you are looking for a full-day retreat or something shorter, it’s important that you know what you want and be specific. Determine the number of people who will be participating in the event. 

Know your budget. Be realistic about how much money you want to spend on this particular event and set a limit for yourself. 

Figure out if there are any restrictions on where you can go based on your company’s policy or organizational regulations. 

4. Visit the Location in Person

Orange Spring retreat center waterfront

There are plenty of ways to choose the perfect team-building location. One way is by visiting it in person, so you can see if it feels like a good fit for you and your group. 

Take your time and think about what you want from the retreat. What kind of food do you want? How much space do you need? 

If it is an overnight retreat, is there a place for everyone to sleep at night? What activities will be available? The more questions answered beforehand, the better!

Orange Springs Retreat: The Premier Team Building Retreat Center in Florida 

If you have a team of 50 people or more, the Orange Springs Retreat Center in Orange Springs, Florida  can accommodate your every need. 

There is a spring-fed lake and pleasant green hills on our 100-acre sanctuary on the border of Ocala National Forest in Florida. 

Contact us today to make your reservations!

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