Organizing a Private Group Retreat in FL

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One of the best ways to decompress and relax from the past year or two’s difficulties is enjoying a private group retreat in FL with Orange Springs Retreat! By organizing a getaway with a group of parents in your neighborhood, you can come and enjoy an outdoor group retreat full of relaxing and fun activities. Orange Springs Retreat hosts retreat groups of 50 people or more for all types of group retreats in FL.

Here are some tips for organizing a neighborhood parent getaway, youth group retreat, or even a school group retreat with both parents (chaperoning of course!) and children/teens.

What Type of Retreat Do You Want?

There are many types of group retreats and they’re all fun! Private group retreat, church group retreat, chaperoning a youth group or church youth group, etc. The list goes on! Orange Springs Retreat Center sees all kinds of retreats on an annual basis!

Ensure the Childcare is Organized

As a parent, the first thing you’ll want to organize is what your children will do during your retreat. Whether one parent stays home and looks after them, or they stay with grandparents or aunts or uncles, ensure that it’s all properly organized in advance. This will allow you and the other parents to relax freely knowing that the kids are fine and you’re able to truly enjoy your free time.

However, one way you may consider doing this is by organizing a coinciding kids retreat with some of the parents. This could even be at a separate part of the same retreat center, allowing you to visit your children when necessary.

Right Time, Right Place

If you’re hoping for a relaxing time, then looking into the weather conditions ahead of time is imperative. This is dependent on the time of year that you plan the retreat, and the climate of the desired location. Florida is a preferable location for retreats in general, because of the great weather year round–just try to avoid the rain! This is because of the beautiful scenery and summer-like weather that’s in effect all year round. Although one must be mindful of the annual hurricane season from June until November each year, as these pre-existing conditions can axe your plans altogether.

Dietary Restrictions

While this may not be covid-specific, it’s still just as important as ever to ensure that everyone who comes on the retreat can enjoy each and every meal. Instead of asking each person individually and trying to make notes, it may be helpful to hand out a form in which people can identify what they can’t eat and what alternatives may be preferred.

Emergency Plans

While it’s not very nice to think about, it is good to have a contingency plan in place, in case of an emergency. Work with the retreat center to come up with a meeting area specific to your group, and ensure you have pre-organized transport back to your hometown. This is also important information to organize with whoever is minding the children, as you may wish to go straight to them.

Make it Fun!

Once you’ve made it through all the nitty gritty details, it’s time to look at some activities which you can enjoy with your fellow parents while you’re all away from your kids. Whether it’s a cocktail party or yoga, make sure to talk with the other parents about what they’re comfortable doing. Also be sure to allow people the freedom to simply do their own thing, as for some of them it may be the first time in almost 2 years!

Private Group Retreat in FL

Here at Orange Springs Retreat, we’ve got years of experience in providing the best possible private group retreat in FL for groups of 50+. Contact us today to see what dates we have available, and to learn more about the activities you can organize there.

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