Organizing a Business Retreat for your Employees

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To those employers who have managed to maintain their workforce despite the difficulties of the recent pandemic, we commend you. Most people are absolutely reliant on their job for their own survival and that of their family, so keeping them on can be considered a heroic act. Although working through this pandemic has come with its own challenges, with a recent survey showing that 1 in 500 Americans have lost their lives to the Coronavirus.

After over a year of lockdowns and social distancing, many people are feeling disillusioned with their current lives. The pandemic has added so much stress to daily life that, although we are getting on top of the physically harmful aspects of the virus, the mentally harmful aspects may carry on into the future. As an employer, organizing a natural business retreat in FL can help you to give your staff the tools they need to start fixing their mental health and sense of normality.

Here is a look at how a business retreat may help your employees.

Our Business Retreat will Rebuild a Sense of Community

The aforementioned lockdowns and social distancing haven’t only disillusioned many, they’ve also affected our sense of community as a species. Despite what many movies and TV shows tell us, we are innately dependent on community, and not the heroic actions of the individual. This is especially important in the workplace where cooperation directly relates to productivity.

By organizing a natural business retreat in FL for your team, you can begin to start healing the bonds between individuals which have been broken by divisive political tactics. This can be achieved through a number of ways, including:

  • Organizing team-based activities throughout the retreat
  • Encouraging open discussions about mental health
  • Empowering them with healthy tools to cope with mental strain

Empower Your Team with Tried-and-True Tools for Coping

Despite our apparently perfect education system, many people are ill-equipped to deal with high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. The recent pandemic and the actions which had to be taken to prevent its spread (lockdowns and social distancing) have proliferated these mental ailments in countless Americans. Even those who claim to be doing just fine will be feeling the mental strain, which is a completely natural response to something so devastating.

Tools for Easing Mental Strain

With the position that modern media has taken in our lives, many of us are used to distracting ourselves from our problems rather than facing them or dealing with them in other ways. This has resulted in many people seeking therapy later in life, and also turning to different forms of spirituality which can provide tools.

These “spiritual” tools can be relevant to anyone, despite their belief system, and utilizing them should be considered an act of increasing your overall spirituality rather than heretically deterring from your particular religion.


A truly age-old practice which is often referred to as meditation of the body, yoga is more than simply stretching into a variety of poses. Through the learned control of breath, and the development of the minute muscles in our body, we can gain more control over our general mental state. This can be relevant to those experiencing any kind of stress, anxiety, or depression; also those suffering from pain (both chronic and constant).


Like yoga, meditation teaches us to control our breath, but unlike yoga we’re encouraged during meditation to find a complete inner stillness. Not only in our body, but also in our mind which many Buddhist monks refer to as the “monkey brain”, referring to the constant chattering each of us are subject to. Through single-point meditation common to Zen practices, or mindfulness meditation commonly known as Vipassana, we can begin to take the reins back in our heads.

Incorporating these tools into your retreat can be achieved via a number of ways, although we generally recommend finding professional and ideally traditional practitioners to teach. This will ensure that the actually useful elements of these exercises are being undertaken, and will develop into legitimate results.

Invite Guests to Speak on Mental Health

As this can be a very sensitive subject to most people, ensuring you’re only conveying useful and relevant information is a must. This can be achieved by hiring one or more guests to come and speak with you and your team about different aspects of mental health.

Give Your Team the Best Business Retreat in Orange Springs, FL

Something we’ve learned at Orange Springs Retreat and being a provider of an area which people utilize for a business retreat in FL, is that space is essential during a retreat. This can mean allowing people to choose what they do and don’t want to do. It can also mean dedicating time for each day for people to do their own things, and not filling the schedule with constant group activities.

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